2010 The Keyman《鑰匙 人》

稻草人舞團2010年度製作《鑰匙 人‧The Keyman》
Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company presents <The Keyman>

鑰匙 人 the Keyman



現代人們的內心世界充滿矛盾和衝突、痛苦和困惑、焦慮和孤獨,這些“看不見的存在”,卻真實的“存在”於我們的身體和 記憶裡,而連結並開啟現實與意識之間的關鍵鑰匙(Key)是什麼?關鍵的Keyman是真實存在嗎?舞蹈,是一種沒有語言的表演,純粹用身體來詮釋並演繹 著世間的人們或是其內心世界。由稻草人舞團羅文瑾所創作的《鑰匙 人‧The Keyman》是一場以肢體探討「存在」的矛盾與衝突的舞蹈作品!

世界首演World premiere:
10/08-09 19:30pm
10/09-10 14:30pm
台北市國家劇院 實驗劇場
Experimental Theater of National Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center
About <The Keyman>

Now, she is at home surrounded by the dearest and most lovable family, but she feels more indifferent than a stranger…

She fears freedom and responsibility, so she rather hides herself into the cage which she has made for herself…

She is not in the ordinary life track, so she has sensed the loss of the gravity…

In one occasion of one day of her life, she is facing the God, parents, family, lovers, friends, society, and herself sitting in front of her to judge her, and she wonders which one plays the key role in this room…

Is The Keyman an imaginary being or a real flesh figure? Life is full of suffering and pain, and how can we end those suffering and pain? Maybe, finding The Keyman can be the crucial solution to all the suffering and pain.

In this 2010 new creation of Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company The Keyman, artistic director and choreographer Wen-jinn Luo digs into the inner world of human beings and explores what are the keys to make people suffer and be in pain constantly.

This 70-minute without intermission dance theater work will lead the audience with the performers to the journey of finding the different aspects of human existence.

Performance and Production Staff:
Producer/Company Director: Wen-chun Lo
Artistic Director/Choreographer: Wen-jinn Luo
Assistant to Artistic Direction: Pei-shan Li
Assistant to Administration: Han-chieh Tso
Performers: Wen-jinn Luo, Pei-shan Li, Yi-fan Lin, Hui-ting Hsu, Yu-ting Su, Jong-lian Dai
Lighting Designer: Yun-hsiang Kuan
Costume and Stage Designer: Hung-hui Chao
Assistant to Costume Designer: Yen-meng Liu
Music: Shih-hsun Kuo, Tung-sheng Wang
Photographer: Chang-chih Chen

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